luv jwl
My first "FUDDY-DUDDY" collection in LUV JWL project embodies the spirit of freedom inherent in the traditional old school tattoo style.
All products are handmade.
My first "FUDDY-DUDDY" collection in LUV JWL project embodies the spirit of freedom inherent in the traditional old school tattoo style.
All products are handmade.
On the photo - Kate Morozova (tattoo artist) in the ring "Spike"
What is the collection about?
Our whole life is filled with events that lead us along their own unique path.
Since ancient times, people have been looking for different ways to express themselves and turn important moments of life into something material or tangible. This included jewelry and, of course, tattoos.
For example, the weeping heart symbol has been popularized since the early 20th century in traditional American tattooing. For each person, this symbol is associated with something special. Someone interprets it as a symbol of a broken heart, someone as a tribute to the experienced loss. One way or another, many people want to capture certain moments of their lives by visualizing them in a tattoo.
The deep and multifaceted symbolism of old school American tattoos inspired me to create the first collection of Fuddy Duddy jewelry. It's amazing how minimalism and some primitivization of lines and shapes can reflect such deep meanings.
Each product carries a unique meaning, but at the same time it has its own meaning for each of you.
What did you say about handmade?
All processes, from design to manufacturing, I do myself. Check out the video below, enjoy!
All the products of the collection are designed in three colors - red, white and black.
Usually we perceive colors as a metaphor for our feelings, where red is a symbol of passion and strength, black is a symbol of elements and power, white is a symbol of freedom and purity.
These colors represent a sense of harmony and balance.
All the products of the collection are designed in three colors - red, white and black.
Usually we perceive colors as a metaphor for our feelings, where red is a symbol of passion and strength, black is a symbol of elements and power, white is a symbol of freedom and purity.
These colors represent a sense of harmony and balance.
Each product goes through different stages of production. From a sketch to a 3D model, from a 3D model to casting, from casting to processing, then the process of enameling, engraving and final polishing of the piece.
Each product goes through different stages of production. From a sketch to a 3D model, from a 3D model to casting, from casting to processing, then the process of enameling, engraving and final polishing of the piece.
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Any questions?
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